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Dear friends, comrades:

Several storms, a few degrees of the Spring and Autumn, when I look back, good baby has to accompany you through numerous ups and downs, these days, and we live in the cusp of the market economy, help each other and work hard, to enable enterprises to fighting the market is growing, advancing the qualification of the market is more abundant, increasing the degree of customer satisfaction, and significantly increased the level of comprehensive strength, we entered a rapid growth stage of sustainable development, the work achieved unprecedented good results, all work toward the healthy development of a better future.

2017 is destined is extraordinary year, the company adhere to the "people-oriented, continuous service," the purpose, relying on the sleeping mat this sunrise industry, adhere to customer first as the core, the continuous introduction of new products and management experience, to open up new fields of application, thus maintaining the strong competitiveness. Certainly good doll company, is an inexhaustible motive force of our front line.

In the face of fierce market competition environment, good baby always adhere to the novelty, the basic idea of the evolving business initiative to implement a forward-looking strategic change. Success one after another to create a good baby It is by virtue of the large number of hard work and dedication to develop and forge ahead in unity, to a wide range of companies from the development of a single baby industry, to form their own unique cultural philosophy and operating management style .

The opportunities and challenges in the glory and the dream coexist! Looking forward to the new year, we will continue to rely on personnel and service advantages, adhere to market-oriented, quality as the core, to serve as the driving force, with one heart and one mind, and pull together to better quality products and services to customers return to us trust.

On the occasion of the New Year, I would like to represent a good doll company to have been concerned about and support our customers to express my deep gratitude! We firmly believe that the baby industry is bound to long-term rapid sustainable growth as a sunrise industry
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  幾度風雨, 幾度春秋, 驀然回首,好娃娃已經陪您走過了無數的風雨歷程,這些日子里,我們身處市場經濟的風口浪尖,同舟共濟,奮發圖強,使企業搏擊市場的能力日益增強,挺進市場的資質更加雄厚,顧客滿意的程度不斷增長,綜合實力的水平顯著提高,我們步入了公司持續發展的快速成長期,各項工作都取得了前所未有的好成績,各項工作都在朝著更美好的未來穩健發展。


  2017年注定是不凡的一年,公司堅持 “以人為本,持續服務”的宗旨,依托涼席這個朝陽產業,堅持以客戶至上為核心,不斷引進新產品與管理經驗,開拓新的應用領域,從而保持了強勁的競爭能力。大家對好娃娃公司的肯定,是我們前行的不竭動力。








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